Wednesday, 27 June 2012

# when ... ?? #

people question when wondered .

when right it is wrong
when everything that happens as irrelevant .

till i get not knowing how to feel
dear , there is no faults in any . trust me .

about yesterday ...........
im sorry buddy
my words do create an incident and possibly you concerned buddy but
let me know if such we can do to fix .

and today ...........
it bothers me and im humbled
i alone felt like a rippling
waiting for you free to response
tell me how can we move ?

for the first time ...................
and first thing first is ....... ??? * you can answer this .

- officially by NADIA ESHAK -

# wordless wednesday #

would be nice menikmati aiskrim pada usia 20 an sambil mengenang zaman kanak-kanak .

- officially by NADIA ESHAK -

Saturday, 9 June 2012

# jyeahhh ! go for final #

halooo . angin meniup . burung pun banyak . hehe . *peace

sekarang tengah mengalami perasaan rindu-rinduan dekat family . huhu . mau exam sudah * versi sabah .

lagi beberapa jam lagi dah nak masuk hall sitting for the first final paper . nak kata nervous tak pulak . cuak tu macam ada sikit-sikit . tu je .

so , chaiyok2 nadia !! hoyeahhh !!

- officially by NADIA ESHAK -